SIforAGE International Conference 2016 official website now available in Catalan and Spanish
11 September / 2016
siforage | SIforAGE
(ENG) Those who have been following the most recent posts of SIforAGE in its social networks, have been able to see that the SIforAGE International Conference 2016 official website is now available in Catalan and Spanish.
Giving the chance to read the website contents both in Catalan and Spanish it is expected to reach a greater local audience and so the ones already interested in the Project and its Conference can easily access to all the information about the event.
The SIforAGE International Conference 2016 will take place in Barcelona, Spain, during the 19th, 20th and 21st of October. We are looking forward to welcome national and international attendees!
(CA) Aquells qui han estat seguint les publicacions més recents de SIforAGE a les seves xarxes socials, han pogut veure que la web oficial de la SIforAGE International Conference 2016 està ara disponible en català i castellà.
Donant l’oportunitat de llegar els continguts de la web tant en català com en castellà, s’espera arribar a una major audiència local i que així els interessats en el Projecte i la seva Conferència puguin accedir fàcilment a tota la informació sobre l’esdeveniment.
La SIforAGE International Conference 2016 tindrà lloc a Barcelona, Espanya, durant el 19, 20 i 21 d’octubre. Estem desitjant rebre a convidats nacionals i internacionals!
(ES) Aquellos quien han sido siguiendo las publicaciones más recientes de SIforAGE en sus redes sociales, han podido ver que la web oficial de la SIforAGE International Conference 2016 está ahora disponible en catalán y castellano.
Dando la oportunidad de legar los contenidos de la web tanto en catalán como en castellano, se espera llegar a una mayor audiencia local y que así los interesados en el Proyecto y su Conferencia puedan acceder fácilmente a toda la información sobre el acontecimiento.
La SIforAGE International Conference 2016 tendrá lugar en Barcelona, España, durante el 19, 20 y 21 de octubre. ¡Estamos deseando recibir a invitados nacionales e internacionales!

SIforAGE publishes an article in the scientific magazine Neurama
10 September / 2016
siforage | SIforAGE
Last 20th of June, the scientific magazine Neurama held an article written by Ander Errasti, Cristina Astier, Oriol Castro, Elena Urdaneta and Javier Tejada. The informative paper presents the results obtained during the four years development of the European Project SIforAGE. It also informs about the SIforAGE International Conference 2016, which will be held in Barcelona on the 19th, 20th and 21st of October.
The article is divided in three sections. Section I introduces the justification and framework of the Project. Section II presents the project’s results grouped in the three main areas in which it has focused: (1) social responsibility of research on ageing, (2) evidence-based policy-making on ageing and (3) social awareness as a mean for a “Society for All Ages”. Each of the parts includes the most relevant outcomes of the project as well as some of the materials generated and published within the SIforAGE project. Finally, Section III presents the most outstanding features of the SIforAGE International Conference 2016 (Barcelona, 19th-21st October). The goal is to close the SIforAGE project opening new paths towards the construction of an Active and Healthy future for all the elderly people.
You can read the whole article here.