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The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), in conjunction with its global university and institutional partners, is proud to announce The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology 2017 (AGen2017).
The IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies 2017
14 July / 2017
Barcelona is one of the most exciting cosmopolitan hubs in the Mediterranean and indeed in Europe. Well known for its architecture, from the Roman to the Contemporary, as well as its food and culture, Barcelona has a long history in hosting major international conferences in all areas of study and...
The IAFOR International Conference on the City 2017
14 July / 2017
History has long shown an ambivalence towards the city. On the one hand, it has been the metropolis, a necessary, vital site of commerce and culture. On the other it has been considered the fallen place, at once dangerous and shadowed in crime.
This ambivalence holds across continents, from the Americas...
SIforAGE Prize winners to be presented during the SIforAGE International Conference 2016
01 August / 2016
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Last year, we informed you about the projects awarded with the SIforAGE Prize on Social Innovation Research. Now we can proudly announce that during the Day 1 and Day 2 of the SIforAGE International Conference 2016, which will take place on the 19th and 20th October at the Universitat de Barcelona, these projects and their results done during the past year will be presented.
The Social Innovation Research Prize (or SIforAGE Prize) aims at giving recognition to projects which undertook research into social innovation in active and healthy ageing, and which made significant contributions to aged communities, their families, and caregivers in order to promote an inclusive society. The three winners were: ESium Project (Active ageing and intergenerational solidarity: an example in the university context), MiraMap (Crowdmapping Mirafiori Sud) and Enred@te.
ESium Proyect is coordinated by Silvia Martínez de Miguel López (University of Murcia, Spain), and its main goal is to promote closer interactions between two distant age groups – younger and older people – while raising awareness about the importance of social participation. During the Conference, the projects will be presented by the Faculty of Education of the University of Murcia, the Murcian Institute of Social Action (IMAS), and the Professional School of Social Educators of the Murcia Region.
MiraMap is coordinated by Francesca De Filippi (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) and it aims to map physical, visual and cultural barriers which prevent the most vulnerable inhabitants (most of all, older people) from enjoying the use of public spaces, by activating a participatory process within Mirafiori Sud district in Turin. The project is led by a team from the CRD-PVS Research Centre and the Department of Architecture and Design at the Politecnico di Torino, in collaboration with the Mirafiori Sud Administrative District, the Comunità di Mirafiori Foundation and the City of Turin.
Enred@te is coordinated by Joaquin Perez & Elisa Moral (Spanish Red Cross, Spain) and it provides an openly available digital social network for older people to communicate with others and stay informed about different contents; and so improve the communication and socialisation of older people by promoting the use of digital services among those who live or feel alone. The project is devised by the Spanish Red Cross, the Spanish Vodafone Foundation, and the Social Technologies Foundation (TECSOS).
Do not miss the chance of knowing much more about those projects and their results during the 19th and 20th October 2016 at the Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. The SIforAGE International Conference 2016 is waiting for you!
Report of the European Parliament Session organised by SIforAGE now in Open Access
26 July / 2016
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SIforAGE publishes the report of the session held at European Parliament on April 18th. According to the SIforAGE aim of spreading the word of an active and healthy ageing from an evidenced-based perspective, this report will be available to the general public in open access.
The session, organised by SIforAGE at the European Parliament, count with renowned experts in active and healthy ageing. One of the main ideas commented at the discussion was the necessity of a life course perspective to face ageing not as a challenge, but as an opportunity for the European society.
The reports gathers the main ideas presented at the session. Briefly, this document reports the presentations made by: D. Jarré, president of EURAG (the European Federation of Older Persons), Professor Javer Tejada, GISME Director and Full Professor of Physics at the Unviersity of Barcelona, Elena Urdaneta, SIfroAGE Project Scientific Coordinator, Research and Development Director at the Basque Culinary Centre, Professor Josef Weidenholzer, member of the European Parliament, Intergroup on Active Ageing, Intergenerational Solidarity and Family Issues, Professor Parminder Rania, Professor at the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, at McMaster University, Dr. Andrey Girenko, member of Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), AAL Competence Centre, Professor Joan Guardia, member of GISME and full Professor of Psychology and Methodology of Behavioural Science, University of Barcelona, and Dr Uffe Bundgaard-Jørgensen, CEO & Founder of InvestorNet- Gate2Growth, PhD in economics and operations research from University of Copenhagen and Danish Technical University.
A Full Life Photography Exhibition: When and Where?
13 July / 2016
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The photography exhibition A full life by Ana Portnoy is still on tour, and so the dates for the next expositions have been announced.
Starting on the 1st of September, the photographs will be held in the Basque Culinary Center until the 15th of September. Immediately after that, the pictures will travel back to Catalonia, and will be exhibited at the Universitat de Lleida for viewers to enjoy them from the 19th of September until the 7th of October. It will be just in time for the next one in the Universitat of Barcelona, where the exposition will be from the 10th until the 20th of October as part of the opening of the SIforAGE International Conference 2016 on the 19th of the same month.
Finally, during the End-of-Project symposium held on the CaixaForum Barcelona, the photographs will be exposed during the day for the participants to appreciate them during the breaks and between activities. You have plenty of options to come and be pleased with the magic of Ana Portnoy’s A full life, so do not lose your opportunity!
SIforAGE releases its second promotional spot
01 June / 2016
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On the 1st of June 2016, SIforAGE has released its new spot. Unlike the first spot, centered just on one story, this new promotional short shows a mosaic of different older people around Europe who live their lives fully, healthily and actively.
The one minute and a half spot, the slogan of which is “Active ageing is the road towards a fulfilling life”, shows five different older persons who enjoy their lives at their fullest, doing what they love the most. Enjoying manifold activities, learning mutually between young and older citizens, and having healthy habits are just some examples of what is seen to lead to a happier and fuller life.
With this, SIforAGE expects to spread its message of the importance of an active and healthy ageing, and the idea that older persons are still capable of everything they want. You can find this new spot on the SIforAGE YouTube channel, the SIforAGE official website and the social networks. Or you can watch it below:
SIforAGE in the European Parliament’s Magazine
31 May / 2016
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Past 4th of April, it was published the issue number 431 of the European Parliament’s magazine (The Parliament Magazine). In it there is an interview to Chrystia Freeland, and topics as the EU-Canada trade agreement, Labour Mobility or the EU-US relationship, are treated, among others.
Also, a whole page is devoted to an article written by Prof. Javier Tejada and Dr. Elena Urdaneta about the SIforAGE project. The text, entitled “Working for a better tomorrow… Starting today”, explains the three main pillars of the project: the challenge of the demographic change that needs to be treated, the innovation that SIforAGE implies in order to deal with it, and the outcomes as proposals for social innovation that the SIforAGE project has been developing for the last almost four years.
“The project Social Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing for Sustainable Economic Growth (SIforAGE) strives for these changes to be perceived not as a problem, but rather as an opportunity” reads the article, and adds that “under the paradigm of AHA, our project aims at bringing the young and the elderly together to work for a common objective: a ‘Society for All Ages’”.
Finally, the article informs about the SIforAGE International Conference (19th-20th-21st October 2016, Barcelona), and invites for contributions and attendance. You can read the full article on the following link: https://www.theparliamentmagazine.eu/articles/magazines/issue-431-04-april-2016