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The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), in conjunction with its global university and institutional partners, is proud to announce The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology 2017 (AGen2017).
The IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies 2017
14 July / 2017
Barcelona is one of the most exciting cosmopolitan hubs in the Mediterranean and indeed in Europe. Well known for its architecture, from the Roman to the Contemporary, as well as its food and culture, Barcelona has a long history in hosting major international conferences in all areas of study and...
The IAFOR International Conference on the City 2017
14 July / 2017
History has long shown an ambivalence towards the city. On the one hand, it has been the metropolis, a necessary, vital site of commerce and culture. On the other it has been considered the fallen place, at once dangerous and shadowed in crime.
This ambivalence holds across continents, from the Americas...
VIII Meeting of the WHO Healthy Cities European Network Task Force on Healty Ageing
14 March / 2016
siforage | SIforAGE
The 3rd and 4th of March 2016 took place the VIII meeting of the WHO Healthy Cities European Network Task Force on healthy aging (HAFT). Among the experts on ageing who participated on the meeting was Maurizio Lorenzatto, sociologist working at the Comune de Torino and SIforAGE member.
During the first day of the meeting the content of the document “Background Paper Innovation for age friendly environments in Europe: joint AFE-INNOVNET and AFEE workshops for policymakers” was discussed. The second day, the experiences from three European Project on ageing -Innovage, Futurage and SIforAGE- were presented. The discussion led to the conclusion that the results of these projects are complementary. In particular it was evidenced the harmony of results regarding the areas of greatest attention.
In addition to the discussion about the results and the methodologies, the meeting was also an important event for dissemination and discussion both within the national and European levels. All participants were given access to the SIforAGE Mutual Learning Platform.
SIforAGE Advisory Board Meeting on local TV
01 March / 2016
lleida | .
Last week, SIforAGE celebrated its annual Advisory Board Meeting in Lleida. The Meeting was due to take place in Barcelona, but difficulties in finding suitable accommodation due to the Mobile World Congress meant that it had to be moved to Lleida.
The Meeting was held on 22nd February at the University of Lleida. Members of the Advisory Board were joined by members of the Consortium Partners the Basque Culinary Center, the research group GISME of the University of Barcelona, and Grup Dedal-Lit of the University of Lleida.
The purpose of the Meeting was to supervise the work undertaken within the framework of the Project during the last eighteen months, to assess the most important milestones achieved so far, and to discuss the organization of The SIforAGE International Conference: “Envisioning a New World. Social Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing,” to be held in Barcelona in October 2016.
A local television, Lleida TV, interviewed Dr Elena Urdaneta, the Scientific Coordinator of SIforAGE, who explained briefly some of the main objectives of The SIforAGE Project. The images shown are not representative of the Project, but Dr Urdaneta’s message was clear.
Publication of the book Ageing and Technology. Perspectives from the Social Sciences
01 March / 2016
siforage | SIforAGE
Emma Domínguez-Rué, member of the SIforAGE Partner Grup Dedal-Lit (University of Lleida), and Linda Nierling, stakeholder of SIforAGE, are the editors of the recently-published book entitled Ageing and Technology. Perspectives from the Social Sciences. The authors claim there is a need to adopt a new perspective – taking the human being, and not technology, first – as a way of becoming more sensitive to ambivalences involved in the interaction between humans and technology. In addition, the view presented by the authors should help to adapt technologies to the people who created the need for its existence, thus contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of senior citizens.
Emma Domínguez-Rué (Ph.D.) teaches in the Department of English at the University of Lleida, Catalunya (Spain).
Linda Nierling (Ph.D.) is a researcher at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe (Germany).
Find out more about this publication on the following link:
New PhD thesis “Symbolic Transitions as Modalities of Aging: Intertextuality in the Life and Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton and Edgar Allan Poe“ (University of Lleida)
16 February / 2016
science | SIforAGE
Dr Marta Miquel-Baldellou, member of Grup Dedal-Lit, UdL, defended her PhD thesis "Symbolic Transitions as Modalities of Aging: Intertextuality in the Life and Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton and Edgar Allan Poe" at the University of Lleida, on the 5th February 2016. Her doctoral thesis was awarded "Excellent. Cum Laude." The thesis was directed by SIforAGE member Dr Brian Worsfold.
Publication of the book Serializing Age. Aging and Old Age in TV Series
16 February / 2016
siforage | SIforAGE
Maricel Oró-Piqueras - SIforAGE partner- and Anita Wohlmann are the editors of the recently published book Serializing Age. Aging and Old Age in TV Series. It discusses how TV series are a powerful cultural medium that shape representations of age and aging. Well-known TV series such as in "Orange Is The New Black", "The Wire" or "Desperate Housewives" are analized.
Maricel Oró-Piqueras (PhD) teaches literature at the Univerity of Lleida, Spain. She specializes in representations of aging in contemporary fiction.
Anita Wohlmann (PhD) is a postdoctoral researcher at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany. Her research focuses on age studies, American film and culture studies and medical humanities.
You can find more information about this publication on the following link: