SIforAGE’s General Assembly in Barcelona
08 May / 2013
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SIforAGE partners met on May 7th, 2013 to discuss the current state of the project and its upcoming events. The meeting was held at the University of Barcelona and gathered representatives from the 20 members of the consortium.
In the meeting, the importance for all the partners to keep in contact with society and stakeholders working in the field of ageing was stressed. Within the following months, one of the major challenges for SIforAGE will be to develop new bonds with institutions and companies, explaining properly the advantages for them to engage in SIforAGE activities. In a similar vein, the consortium faces the challenge to properly address the needs of the elderly in each of the countries where SIforAGE is working. That is why the consortium will do an important effort to take into account those patterns by country -in terms of public policy and overall idiosyncratic factors- that may need to be controlled. The meeting served as well to strengthen the cooperation between partners, tackle organizational challenges, and point at those activities that each partner will carry out in the following weeks.
The first part of the meeting served at presenting each partner’s past and prospective work. SIforAGE project has ten work packages that go from active participation of end-users in research activities, activities with policymakers, or innovative services and business models for better lives. The second part of the meeting was devoted to the discussion of the activities related to each Knowledge Management Unit (KMU). In SIforAGE project there are 5 task-force groups called KMUs in which discussion and solutions on different fields related to active and healthy ageing are performed. Mental capacity and Alzheimer disease, active participation and inclusion in society of aged people or services and technologies for better ageing at home are among the issues being tackled in these groups.
Finally, the importance for the project to reach as many people as possible in an efficient manner was underlined. In that sense, a special effort is being made in order to build a complete database of those stakeholders related to the project’s aims and activities. Besides, during the meeting, the communication tools developed for the project were presented, being the website the cornerstone for the communication of SIforAGE project.
The next meeting of the Consortium will take place in Copenhagen the 23rd and 24th of May 2013, where WP2 and WP8 leaders will explain their aims and needs to keep working on innovative solutions and services applied to elderly’s needs and their strategies to channel participation of final users in the development of technology for aged people.

Launching of our first network on Mental capacity and Alzheimer disease
30 April / 2013
psychology | univ. pau
One of SIforAGE's task groups -Knowledge Management Unit (KMU) 2- has just started to work on the solutions to face Mental capacity and Alzheimer disease. The purpose of this KMU, coordinated by Université de Pau -UPPA-, is to elaborate and disseminate best practices regarding the improvement of the capacity to make decisions among persons with mental health problems. KMU 2 is also working on the best ways to deal with the collection of their consent. The call for participation of all SIforAGE partners was launched on April 10th, with a specific work procedure which is being studied by all the members involved in the group and will have as a first result a meeting with stakeholders working in the field to be held by the end of June.

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Experts Meeting on Social Ageing at the Universitat de Lleida (UdL)
17 April / 2013
lleida | Universitat de Lleida
A group of European experts on social ageing met at Universitat de Lleida (UdL) with regards to the project Live to be a hundred: cultural narratives of longevity, coordinated by the University of Maastricht. The researchers who participated in the meeting were from Spain, United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Austria and The Netherlands. The meeting was organised by Dedal-Lit, a group from the Universitat de Lleida. Among other topics, the meeting was devoted to discuss about SIforAGE, in which the Universitat de Lleida represents the ENAS Network.

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FONDACA's latest activities to build Europe's citizenship
16 April / 2013
psychology | Siforage
FONDACA has finished its program “The Other Side of the Coin” with a meeting in the European Parliament in Brussels at the beginning of 2013. This program aims at identifying the Euro currency as a significant factor in strengthening European citizenship. FONDACA has also participated in the organization of a contest called “International ideas Contest for the Enhancement of the Pompeii area” which will collect solutions to make Pomepii an appealing and liveable city. If you would like to vote for your favourite idea or find more about FONDACA’s latest news click on the following source.

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