SIforAGE presentation at the closing session of the European Project EduSenior
29 January / 2014
siforage | SIforAGE
On the 29th of January 2014 Ander Errasti and Eduardo Valenciano (members of GISME -a multidisciplinary group linked to the University of Barcelona and the partner in charge of coordination and communication of the SIforAGE consortium) presented SIforAGE Project in the closing session of the European Project EduSenior. The event was held by the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) in Barcelona and the main topic was the university level education for seniors, one of the key points on active ageing research programmes.
The EduSenior project (www.edusenior.eu) has worked on an "Evaluation toolkit on seniors’ education to improve their quality of life" and it has been carried out by a partnership of seven European institutions among the umbrella of the European 7th Research Framework’s Lifelong Learning Programme. The project started on November 2011 and finished on January 2014. The EduSenior project aimed to improve the quality of educational institutions that are currently offering courses and activities or wish to implement a learning activity focused on senior learners (65+ or retired). One of the main outcomes of the project has been the elaboration of a useful evaluation toolkit for educational institutions and pursues to innovate in the field of seniors’ education. Nevertheless, the last goal of the project is that this tool will help institutions and final users to receive a more effective education with higher quality standards.
Due to the fact that both EduSenior Project and SIforAGE Project work on improving the quality of life of older people through an active participation in society, the Communication Team of SIforAGE considered the closing ceremony of EduSenior as a great opportunity to reinforce ties among people working on the same area as well as a perfect occasion to make people working in this field aware of SIforAGE, its aims, scope and consortium.
The event helped to carry out mutual learning about both projects and perspectives and, in addition, many of the participants in the event showed their interest to become stakeholders of SIforAGE as a way to join efforts and strengthen the promotion of an active and healthy ageing.