Under the International Day of Older Persons, the SIforAGE project promoted an intergenerational activity between users of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML) and students of the Master in Social Psychology of Health from the ISCTE-IUL.
The initiative took place past Wednesday, 28th of October, at ISCTE-IUL, in the context of the Platform for Aging on Social Networks in Lisbon with an intergenerational session that promoted a reflection on the city of Lisbon and its future. To Filomena Gerardo, scientific coordinator of the project SIforAGE in Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa (SCML), "this work reflects once again the commitment of the institution to promote actions that join public of different ages”. Sibila Marques from ISCTE-IUL stresses that "this is more a promotional opportunity of our intergenerational program imAGES, extending it now to a University audience. This type of action is absolutely essential in promoting a society for all ages in the future”.
The action was attended by a group of students and seniors who reflected on the future of our society a real set of social change effort. You can find more information about this event in the following link: http://www.scml.pt/pt-PT/destaques/siforage_promove_envelhecimento_ativo_3/