In the framework of SIforAGE Project, SIforAGE partner CARINNA organized a Technology Experience Café (TEC) the 15th and 16th October 2013 at Troyes (Champagne Ardenne area). The results of this event were reported in a piece of news some months ago. During this TEC, -in which fifty people (older persons and actors in the health sector) experienced over two days five technologies in the field of health, active ageing and longevity- the Smart Products and Consumtion (SPoC) Institute from NEOMA Business School presented Nao, a companion robot. A video summarizing the results of this experience has been released. This video was presented at the film festivals of the conferences of Advances in Consumer Research (Baltimore, October 2014) and of the European Marketing Academy (Leuven, May 2015).
This video is available on the following link.