The 3rd and 4th of February, SIforAGE partner DFKI organized the fourth and last event in the project’s series of Technology Experience Cafés (TECs) in Saarbruecken (Germany). These events aim at involving older persons into the development of technologies specially designed for them. As a matter of fact, technology is capable of dramatically improving older persons’ quality of life. However, these technologies are typically developed by younger people, thus putting aside older users’ needs and opinions. This, in turn, leads to low acceptance of new technologies by older persons. Through the TECs, SIforAGE seeks to involve older persons in the development cycle right from the beginning by giving them the opportunity to assess the coming technologies and to enable open and direct dialogue between older citizens (users of technology) and representatives of those assistive technologies.
During the fourth TEC, two research prototypes were tested: “Kochbot (speech assistant) in the intelligent kitchen” and “Elena” – an indoor navigation system for all” and 46 individuals aged 60+ took part in the event. The TEC generated a valuable feedback to be used for future technology development activities. Moreover, it was a place for very fruitful discussions that will be summarized in a report. The results from this report will be posted soon on the SIforAGE website.
All in all, the 4 SIforAGE TECs organized in France, Italy, Denmark and Germany gave a great example of social innovation in active and healthy ageing and demonstrated a very promising methodology of engaging older persons in the design and development of technologies important to them.