SIforAGE partner group Dedal-Lit, from University of Lleida (UdL) has recently edited a book on literary creativity with a focus on the older women writer. The book is edited by: Núria Casado Gual, Emma Domínguez Rué and Brian Worsfold and published by Bern: Peter Lang, 2016.
Briefly, the book explores how literary studies and their associated critical theories offer a refreshing viewpoint from which humanist-oriented studies of ageing may be re-conceptualized, and an integrated view of ageing and gender can be developed. This volume builds on the work of seminal authors in the field of literary gerontology, while it also elaborates on important theories that age-critics have developed in the broader field of cultural gerontology, to present the experience of ageing, and old age in particular, as a creative phase of the life course that completes the older person's identity and, specifically, that of the older woman.
As a contrast to stereotypical views of ageing women that are still sustained in both gerontological and social domains, the essays in this collection focus on the works of eleven women writers whose careers were or have been prolonged into their old age, and whose later literary creativity reveals fascinating aspects about both the complex, contradictory, and enriching experience of growing older, and especially of doing so as an artist and as a woman.