City of Turin is involved in SIforAGE through its Lifelong Learning Education Service (SFEP) by means of its Health Office. Both are part of the Italian Social Services Department.
The Social Services Department, in addition to its own institutional activities, managed in these years several initiatives such as projects and actions aiming at the promotion of fragile citizen’s health with a particular focus on the elderly through its Health Office.
SFEP plans and manages activities of basic training and re-training for social and health professionals, and community education not included in university training courses. We aim at upgrading, training and researching for professionals operating in city services. We also analyze needs with regard to the training of social professionals and develop research on the processes of change related to the areas of competence.
What are our goals within SlforAGE?
Our main goals are:
- To improve the participation of policymakers at different levels in the research making process.
- To increase awareness on the importance of policymakers involvement for ensuring a higher impact of research in society and a better coordination with research policies.
- To engage and empower society and CSOs in research on AHA.
- To spread and disseminate outcomes of SIforAGE at local and national level.
What are our roles in the project?
We lead Work Package 5 called “Mutual learning activities with policymakers”. We are developing mutual learning sessions carried out with policymakers that will be made available as “on-line multilingual learning tools” for all interested stakeholders. This online tool supports public administrations in their ability to measure their level of social innovation in policymaking and implements it. The results of this work will merge into a Guidance manual for improved evidence-based policy making.
We will also contribute to other Work Packages’ work such as:
- Work Package 2 called “Active participation of end-users in research activities”, through the organization of one of 4 Technology Experience Café (TEC) scheduled within SIforAGE. Each experience café will distribute the elderly across several different conditions, using different types of technological devices. Our goal is to test which types of devices are less prone to act in a “threatening” way to older people´s self-concepts and performances.
- Work Package 1 called “Social Innovation Incubator on Active and Healthy Ageing”, through the coordination of the Knowledge Management Unit 4 called “Social innovation in community partnerships for active and healthy ageing”.
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