The Basque Culinary Center Fundazioa, based in San Sebastian, belongs to the faculty of Gastronomic Science and Culinary Arts at the University of Mondragon. It offers degrees and master programs for students to learn the science behind cooking, as well as creating new trends in gastronomy.
Within our research center, we promote and run interdisciplinary projects regarding the study of food habits, life-styles, nutrition and social responsibility. Our aims are to help in reducing obesity, type II diabetes, improvement of the food of the elderly and usage of nutraceuticals and probiotics in catering.
What are our goals within SIforAGE?
Our main activity will be the scientific coordination of the project and the leadership of the Work Package 1 which consists on creating a social innovation incubator on active and healthy ageing. Through these responsibilities, our main objectives are:
- To provide a framework to the different stakeholders working in the field of active and healthy ageing, promoting a mutual learning process.
- To increase the coordination of stakeholders for a more active participation of society in research.
- To encourage Healthy Ageing among society.
- To promote evidence-based political decisions related to Health.
- To ensure that nutrition is at the center of healthy lifestyle promotion for elderly.
What are our roles in the project?
- Creating an Advisory Committee
- Defining the general structure of the five SIforAGE Knowledge Management Units, which are a supporting horizontal tool for the rest of the Work Packages of the project.
- Ensuring the organization and the mobilization of SIforAGE Knowledge Management Units’ stakeholders.
- Implementing the Active and Healthy ageing Help Desk for science in society issues and Ethical Framework.
- Co-organizing mutual learning sessions
- Organizing round tables and training sessions on ethics and social responsibility in ageing research.
- Ensuring the global scientific quality of the project.
For more information: www.bculinary.com
Basque Culinary Center
Paseo Juan Avelino Barriola, 101
20009 San Sebastián - SPAIN