The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence with sites in Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken, Bremen (with an associated branch in Osnabrück) and a project office in Berlin, is the leading German research institute in the field of innovative software technology. In the international scientific community, DFKI ranks among the most reputed ‘Centers of Excellence’ and is currently the biggest research centre worldwide in the area of artificial intelligence and its application in terms of number of employees and the volume of external funds. The spectrum of the DFKI’s research areas ranges from robotics and language technologies to image processing and knowledge management.
DFKI has a profound experience in Ambient Assisted Living and accessible interaction with ICT. The DFKI competence center for Ambient Assisted Living brings into the project its additional experience and world class expertise in the area of AAL.
What are our goals within SIforAGE?
(1) To contribute with our technological expertise and vision of the future of AAL technologies in bringing together all stakeholders involved in the dialogue about how the new technologies can support healthy and active ageing, thus improving the quality of life for all Europeans;
(2) To get an important feedback from the society on what kind of technological products/services for elderly population will shape the market of AAL in the nearest future in order to build and roadmap our research agenda
What are our roles in the project?
• Definition of the general approach for the dialogue between research, innovative industry, and users of the technology, as well as other relevant stakeholders
• Leading the project’s efforts aimed at the involvement of end-users (elderly population) in research and innovation through the organization of Technology Experience Cafés
• Contribution to the efforts aimed at improving existing mechanisms for introduction to the market innovative products and service solutions for elderly people. DFKI will participate in the development of novel business models allowing for the sustainable growth of AAL products and services market.
• Contribution with its research and technology development perspective to the policy level interventions, the project plans to develop, to stimulate the paradigm shift in AAL
• Promotion of the project vision and spreading the message of the SIforAGE results
For more information, please use the link to the DFKI competence center for Ambient Assisted Living: http://aal.dfki.de/