Gisme is a multidisciplinary group of skilled professionals from academia, public institutions and private firms. Our members have a wide range of backgrounds including Physics, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Electronics, Health and Life Sciences, Business, Economics, Law, Philosophy and Politics.
We work in the development of scientific models and spread of new knowledge to provide innovative solutions to complex challenges. Among our latest projects, we can find the devise of strategies and algorithms to model emotions and the design and broadcasting of science dissemination programs.
What are our goals within SlforAGE?
GISME-UB is SIforAGE’s coordinator and, as such, it is devoted to ensure a high quality management of the entire project. Gisme deals with budgetary and time constraints and makes sure that the project is properly executed in a way that guarantees the fulfilment of the project’s objectives.
Furthermore, GISME-UB assumes a leading role in Work Package 9 (WP9), which aims at actively involving and spreading knowledge towards stakeholders. Tasks within this framework consist of:
- Raising awareness about SlforAGE
- Promoting active participation among stakeholders
- Contributing to scientific debate
- Providing policy recommendations to policy makers
In addition, we will work on involving and spreading knowledge towards our three target groups:
1) members of the consortium, 2) stakeholders and 3) the general public
What are our roles in the project?
- Management and overall responsibility for liaison between partners and between them and the European Commision.
- Providing experts to committees and management units to tackle issues such as Alzheimer disease or social protection systems.
- Producing project image and promotional leaflet.
- Assuming press office tasks and management of press releases, newsletters, and social networks such as Twitter and Facebook.
- Maintenance of the public website of SlforAGE (public information, videos, forums, surveys…). In order to engage participation and dialogue among stakeholders in our forums some questions will be suggested for discussion. As an example, users will have the opportunity to deal with issues such as which should be the role of grandparents in families, which are the values that are not anymore alive in our times and should be regain or what people believe about which are the technological gadgets that are most frequently used.
- The diffusion of videos will promote activity in which both young and old people wil take part. For instance, cooking courses and board games among others.
- Building a documentation center capable of sourcing stakeholders with up-to-date information on the process and aims of the project.