Created in 1962, EURAG is a non-profit independent organisation. Through its 148 member organisations in 33 European countries, EURAG represents millions of older people in Europe. EURAG works on the improving of the quality of the social and political standards of living of the elderly. The member organisations involved in the organization are senior citizens associations, self-aid groups, public institutions, social and educational institutions and the general public. Our main activities consist of the representation of older people’s interests at a European level, exchange of experiences, co-ordination of activities and projects and network initiatives. EURAG especially promotes co-ordination, collaboration and exchange of opinions with expert and service organisations, self-help groups as well as individuals. EURAG sets up working groups and committees on topical issues concerning the older generation and launches proposals and motions to all international institutions. It is also a member of the Platform of European Social NGOs and of the AGE-Platform, both in Brussels.
What are our goals within SIforAGE?
Although we participate in many Work Packages (WP) of the project, our activity is mainly focused on WP3. This WP pursues the empowerment of the society, and especially older people, to actively participate in the definition of research needs and priorities, and to improve the channels to do so. In order to achieve these objectives, we will:
- Analyse the priorities established by society in future research and innovation applied on active and healthy ageing
- Establish the mechanisms that could facilitate cooperation of civil society organisations representing aged people and society with the research community in order to define research priorities and to engage society in research.
- Understand old people’s perspective on how research could contribute to their well-being
What are our roles in the project?
To stimulate a debate among their members – through questionnaires and workshops - about priority issues in this respect and thus be helpful in identifying crucial subjects of scientific interest.
To develop local intervention programs in communities and engage aged people in research projects and participatory democracy.
For more information: http://eurageurope.org/