Els passats 25 i 26 de novembre, l’obra de teatre “Prime Time”, escrita i interpretada per Núria Casado Gual, membre...
The SIforAGE International Conference 2016 may have already passed, but the SIforAGE Project has not ended with it. Since this...
SIforAGE has started November by publishing a new summary video of the SIforAGE International Conference 2016, which took place in...
On behalf of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics – European Region we welcome you to Gothenburg and the 9th IAGG-ER congress to present and share findings, ideas and innovations on multidisciplinary perspectives of ageing and the life-course.
The congress theme is ‘Towards Capability in Ageing – from cell to society‘. The theme emphasizes our ability to perform actions in order to reach valued goals within the macro, meso, and micro contexts.
The congress is the natural meeting place for researchers and professionals engaged in various scientific enquires and aging matters; whether in biological science, medical and health sciences, social sciences, in humanities or aging services. The main track of the congress includes sessions on multidisciplinary aspects of aging in which we can meet and learn from each other.
The congress venue will be at the Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre (Svenska Mässan), located in the city center of Gothenburg.
The congress is arranged in collaboration with the local Centre for Ageing and Health (AgeCap) at the University of Gothenburg, the two Swedish national associaions; Swedish Gerontological Society (SGS), Geriatric Medicine in Sweden (SGF), both also members of the Nordic Gerontological Federation (NGF).
We look forward to meeting you in Gothenburg May 23-25, 2019
Barcelona is one of the most exciting cosmopolitan hubs in the Mediterranean and indeed in Europe. Well known for its architecture, from the Roman to the Contemporary, as well as its food and culture, Barcelona has a long history in hosting major international conferences in all areas of study and work. Barcelona is the place to be for Global Studies. In recent decades it has become a multicultural, multilingual city and is a major attraction for tourists and business people. It is here that one can discuss “the global” with ease in a city which has, over the centuries, established trade routes with the Far East and around the Mediterranean as well as with Europe and Latin America. Its inhabitants are of diverse origins, making the city an ideal location for discussions of both the local and the global in a space which is unique and which has fostered the humanities and sciences in its historical development as a global hub.
The IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies 2017 will again be held alongside The IAFOR International Conference on the City 2017. Registration for either of these conferences will allow participants to attend sessions in the other.
History has long shown an ambivalence towards the city. On the one hand, it has been the metropolis, a necessary, vital site of commerce and culture. On the other it has been considered the fallen place, at once dangerous and shadowed in crime.
This ambivalence holds across continents, from the Americas to Asia, from Europe to Australasia. How, in an age of transnationalism and global media, should we regard these cities?
What are our prevailing images of the city as past and present, magnet and threat? Do cities retain their lustre as citadels of enlightenment and art or are they urban dinosaurs wracked by over-crowdedness and pollution?
The forthcoming IAFOR conference on the City is an exciting addition to our global conference calendar. It will place the international, intercultural and interdisciplinary tenets of IAFOR at the very heart of multiple academic approaches to the city, from the development of the classic city states east and west, to the emergence of the vast organisms that are our modern cities.
Different cities have very different personalities, influenced, for example, by history, government, climate, and geographical location – from uptight financial powerhouses to relaxed tourist resorts, they are governed in different ways, and compete against each other for attention and resources, sometimes domestically, but also with other foreign rivals. This conference encourages interdisciplinary and comparative reflections from the world’s cities, from small cathedral city to sprawling metropolis.
The city has always been a centre of creativity and imagination. The many cultures that are formed within the city have become definitive of the development of human civilisation in different eras. From the cities that were the product of the ancient river civilisations on the Nile and the Tigris Euphrates or the Ganges and the Yellow River, to the classical and medieval city states, to the modern cities of the industrial revolution, the city provides an exciting object of study. The conference is set up to encourage the exploration of the city in all its variations and to provide a further context for reflections on globalisation as the wave of today and tomorrow.
This conference will be held in parallel to The IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies 2017, and will provide a counter to the localised perspectives that can easily obscure the simple fact that many of the world’s major cities have now become, more than ever, global portals and places of international exchange. Registration for either of these conferences will allow participants to attend sessions in the other.
We invite academics from around the world to join us in the fascinating historical, cultural, and artistic centre of Barcelona, to exchange ideas and participate in the continuing story of this city.
Hear the latest research. Publish before a global audience. Present in a supportive environment. Network. Experience Japan. Join a global academic community.
The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), in conjunction with its global university and institutional partners, is proud to announce The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology 2017 (AGen2017).
This international and interdisciplinary conference will act as a centre for academics, practitioners and professionals to discuss new research in the aging and gerontology. AGen2017 will create opportunities for the internationalisation of higher education and sharing of expertise. We invite professionals from all corners of the world to develop policies, exchange ideas, and promote new partnerships with organisations and peers.
The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology 2017 (AGen2017) will be held alongside The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences (ACSS2017) and The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment. Registration for one of these conferences will allow participants to attend sessions in the others.
In October 2013 started the EU project entitled Optifel.
Optifel, which was coordinated by the French National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA), aimed at improving the diet of the elderly population by proposing and developing products based on fruit and vegetables, elements offering a large diversity of products.
The Optifel project has gathered 26 Europeans partners who have worked together in order to find relevant solutions dedicated to food industry, catering services and health professionals. Thus, the project comes to its end and will be officially closed by a final conference which will set on:
Date: 1st February 2017
Place: Business France auditorium
77 Boulevard Saint Jacques, 75 014 Paris (FRANCE)
The OPTIFEL final conference will be organized according to this schedule:
8:30 Opening of registration
9:20 Welcome and introduction
Specificities of the elderly people: specific wishes & needs for autonomous and dependent seniors
Food perception and pleasure
Isabelle Maitre
Habits and difficulties: the case of fruit and vegetables?
Tuija Pirttijarvi
Easy opening and legible packaging : senior’s preferences and limitations
Selcuk Yildirim
Objective measurement of physical and oral capabilities of elderlies. Insights to design novel food textures
Anwesha Sharkar
Nutritional and texture needs
Raija Thavonen and MDolors Garcia
12:15 LUNCH
Designing and delivering food for the elderly: the case of fortification
Fortification: is it accepted and efficient?
Virgine Van Wymelbeke
The issue of texture: impact of protein addition, manipulating the texture of fruit or vegetable puree
Gérard Cuvelier
Whole meal solution: A new approach?
Pierre Picouet
Integrating vitamins and minerals in fruit and vegetable-based foods: the challenges
Jaroslaw Markowski
Storage, delivery and implementation
Sustainability in elderly food design: key challenges
Laura Peano
Maintaining safety throughout storage and reheating
Christophe Nguyen-The
Maintaining nutritional quality throughout storage and reheating
Catherine Renard
17:30 Closure and thanks
Simultaneous interpreting from English language to French is proposed.
To register, please contact Emilie Chanséaume at [email protected]
Hosted by Birmingham City University, Monday 5th September - Tuesday 6th
September, 2016
This year Well-Being 2016 explores the multi-dimensions of well-being
focusing on the achievements of well-being through collaboration - to
co-create experiences which are positive and meaningful to the individual.
In Well-being 2016, we seek answers to a range of questions about
negotiating and navigating the experiences that underpin the achievement
of well-being - How positive encounters are or might be embedded in our
contact with the environments where we live, learn, play or work; how
individuals are supported in ways that enables them to take control of
their personal well-being; what constitutes a pathway encounter; how are
the impacts expressed or captured, the techniques involved, the use of
electronic media, verbalisation and narratives or through artistic
endeavour, design, making and the crafts, the unique role of the
practitioner and the growing relevance of a medical humanities approach?
We aim to provide a platform for dialogue between academics and
practitioners, knowledge exchange and methodological exploration through a
combination of keynote speakers, breakout sessions and workshops.
For all queries contact
Key Themes
* Children's well-being
* Nature based solutions towards well-being
* The context of the medical humanities
* Recording, representing and evaluating the positive experience
* Mentoring for well-being
* Visioning and future thinking of well-being scenarios
Confirmed keynote speakers
Claire Freeman, Professor at the Geography Department, University of
Otago, New Zealand
Kalevi Korpela, Professor of Psychology, University of Tampere, Finland
Dr. Fiona Bannon, Senior Lecturer, School of Performance and Cultural
Industries, University of Leeds, UK
Karen Creavin, Head of Wellbeing Services, Birmingham Wellbeing Service,
Birmingham City Council, UK
Conferenceseries LLC invites all the participants from all over the world to attend ‘3rd World Congress on Geriatrics and Geriatric Oncology’ during August 11-12, 2016 in Birmingham, United Kingdom which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.
Euro Geriatrics conferences 2016 is a global platform to discuss and learn about new Geriatrics technologies, geriatric care services, Geriatric Medicine service, anti-aging technologies, anti-aging treatments, effects of aging, health policies, palliative care, bioinformatics in Geriatrics and recent advancements in Geriatrics research.
Conferenceseries LLC 1000+ Conferences Every Year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and Publishes 700+ Open access journals which contains over 30000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.
The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) provides new perspectives to the thought-leaders and decision-makers of today and tomorrow by offering constructive environments for dialogue and interchange at the intersections of nation, culture, and discipline.
Headquartered in Japan, with offices in Nagoya and Kobe, IAFOR is an independent think tank committed to the deeper understanding of contemporary geo-political transformation, particularly in the Asia Pacific Region.
The conference theme for GLOBAL2016 is "The Global and The Local: Crossing Sites of Cultural, Critical, Political Intervention", and the organisers encourage submissions that approach this theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.
The organizers encourage submissions that approach the conference theme from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives. Abstracts should address one or more of the streams below, identifying a relevant sub-theme:
The IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies 2016 Abstract Submission Deadline March 15, 2016
Conference Home http://iafor.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2b85b3716400c307314124fc4&id=02b00f55a7&e=11d94203dc
Call for Papers http://iafor.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2b85b3716400c307314124fc4&id=196ec4d1d8&e=11d94203dc
Registration http://iafor.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2b85b3716400c307314124fc4&id=6205b7ddef&e=11d94203dc
Submit now http://iafor.us3.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=2b85b3716400c307314124fc4&id=d8b9c25b6d&e=11d94203dc http://iafor.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=2b85b3716400c307314124fc4&id=b55ad8e4a4&e=11d94203dc
Since time immemorial humans have lived in close association with each other and their environment. Their success has depended on their ability to interact, to adapt and to survive. While it is fascinating to look at this from such a general and external perspective, even more exciting in many ways is to examine the individuals and groups involved and trace their development, the battles faced, the challenges which arise and the solutions derived which enable individuals to progress from birth to death. Hopefully this lifespan will be over a period of years allowing them to not only grow up but to also grow old.
This life course is one with which we are all familiar and the intent of this project is not to simply reiterate these life stages but rather to consider such aspects of them as will enable us to better understand what these basic transformations mean on both an individual and a societal level. Such basic questions which might be considered are: How do these stages differ within societies? What do childhood and adulthood really mean? Who are the elderly and what role do they play? Most importantly, are these definitions and concepts changing, and if so, what are the implications for communities? These questions themselves give rise to many others including not only historical changes but also the impact of culture, of environment, of war or famine, of violence, of knowledge and learning, of technology and communication, and especially of medical advances. Indeed, every aspect of existence may well affect the way in which we grow up and grow old.
Leading on from these ideas are other aspects which also warrant consideration, for example inter-generational aspects, psychological changes and expectations, depictions of the various life stages by the media and also artists, which may include literature, art, music, photography as well as film, theatre and television. From the diversity of topics mentioned it is apparent that there is much which could be discussed but it is hoped that at this meeting delegates will be able to focus on some of the more basic ideas mentioned with a view to developing the on-going conversation after this conference is over. Entitled “Times and Seasons”, the primary concern of this conference is to consider the historical changes, the ideas behind each stage and how they differ worldwide; additionally, it seeks to commence an exploration of recent technological advances which are affecting the way our life course develops. It is particularly hoped that this project will develop over a period of years to enable us to reach a clearer understanding of something of which we are all a part, something which affects each of us, and help us to identify perspectives and changes which may improve the outlook for many. With this outcome in mind it should be remembered that in some countries there are huge cultural barriers to change, while in others change may be taken for granted and normalised through culture and traditional behavioural norms. Because of this wide variation of knowledge and practice this topic lends itself to a conference where contributions from a wide range of countries and disciplines are represented.
To explore this subject in more detail we welcome submissions which address some of the following issues or others related to them:
Life stages and culture Childhood, youth and adulthood; definitions: perspectives from the arts and the sciences Generations, historical and contemporary. Between generations; the generation ‘gap’. Boundaries, real and perceived. Nostalgia Who are the Elderly? Ageing as a metaphor; the meaning of age; the meaning of life Medical developments and interventions; biological engineering Health, class and nationality Demographic factors and changes Gender, sex and shifting identities Media impact and effect on perceptions Literature, art, music and lifetimes Technology and its impact 21st century issues:
Further details and information can be found at the conference web site:
We welcome contributions from all those who have an interest in or are engaged in research into this topic, whether historically or contemporaneously. History, anthropology, medicine, social work, nursing, psychiatry, sociology, gerontology, criminology, psychology, law, literature, and cultural studies are just some of the disciplines that seek to understand this phenomenon, and this conference is designed to facilitate inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches to the issues, from a range of societal settings all over the world.
Call for Cross-Over Presentations The Growing Up Growing Old project will be meeting at the same time as a project on Cyber Security and another project on Domestic Abuse and Violence (Violence Project). We welcome submissions which cross the divide between both project areas. If you would like to be considered for a cross project session, please mark your submission “Crossover Submission”.
What to Send 300 word abstracts, proposals and other forms of contribution should be submitted by Friday 27th November 2015. All submissions be minimally double reviewed, under anonymous (blind) conditions, by a global panel drawn from members of the Project Team and the Advisory Board. In practice our procedures usually entail that by the time a proposal is accepted, it will have been triple and quadruple reviewed.
You will be notified of the panel’s decision by Friday 11th December 2015. If your submission is accepted for the conference, a full draft of your contribution should be submitted by Friday 15th January 2016.
Abstracts may be in Word, RTF or Notepad formats with the following information and in this order:
a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of proposal, f) up to 10 keywords. E-mails should be entitled: Growing Up Growing Old Abstract Submission
Where to Send Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to both Organising Chairs:
Organising Chairs: Sheila Bibb: > Rob Fisher:
This event is an inclusive interdisciplinary research and publishing project. It aims to bring together people from different areas and interests to share ideas and explore various discussions which are innovative and exciting.
1 eBook and 1 paperback presently exist from the previous meeting of the Growing Up, Growing Old project. All papers accepted for and presented at the conference must be in English and will be eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers may be developed for publication in a themed hard copy volume(s). All publications from the conference will require editors, to be chosen from interested delegates from the conference.